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The Jury

The Fischoff takes great pride in inviting the nation’s finest musicians and music educators to serve on the Competition Jury. Each Competition round is adjudicated by the finest professional specialists in each field.

2025 Senior String Division Jurors

Daniel Avshalomov (viola)

 American String Quartet

Gershon Gerchikov (violin)

 Ariel String Quartet

Peggy Kampmeier (piano)

 Princeton University

2025 Senior Wind Division Jurors

Kevin Cobb (trumpet)

 American Brass Quintet

Denise Tryon (horn)

 Indiana University

2025 Junior String Division Jurors

Timothy Lovelace (piano)

 University of Minnesota

Jesse Mills (violin)

 Horszowski Trio

Renee Skerik (viola)

 Interlochen Center for the Arts

2025 Junior Wind Division Jurors

Tony Baker (trombone)

 University of North Texas

Matt Landry (saxophone)

 Akropolis Reed Quintet

Susan Nelson (bassoon)

 Bowling Green State University

2025 Lift Every Voice Prize Jurors